Thoroughbreds excel at top levels in many equestrian activities. As a breed, they are true athletes with forward-thinking personalities. “Off The Track” thoroughbreds can be cheaply obtained. So what is the problem?
The problem is, thoroughbreds are athletes with considerable mental stamina and the will to gallop on. So they do not make good horses for the occasional weekend rider.
Why aren’t Thoroughbreds suitable for many Weekend Riders?
Off-the-track racehorses need a job and thrive on daily exercise. There are exceptions, but as a generalisation they will not cope with spasmodic riding.
Some Off The Track Thoroughbreds are only Sound enough for Quiet Hacking
Even the thoroughbred with soundness issues may not settle to quiet hacking. The effects of being raced from 2 years of age have physically damaged this horse but his brain is still wired for athletic pursuits. He is bred to gallop and this what he enjoys.
Thoroughbreds are High Maintenance Horses
They need more looking after than many other breeds and are thin-skinned. So they feel the cold. On wet days they may not enjoy being turned out from dawn to dusk. Some have bad stable vices that can cause major health issues.
Thoroughbreds are suitable if you can provide the following:
- A stable
- Turn out rugs and stable rugs
- Another horse as a companion
- Daily exercise and this could be meaningful hacks of at least one hour
- You are a good rider and understand the breed
Very Common Racehorse Problems to be avoided:
- Soundness issues
- Body alignment problems, anywhere from poll to tail
- Breathing difficulties
- Bad stable vices affecting health
- Thin hoof walls that will not take shoes
- Inferior foot conformation
- Poor leg conformation
If you have the knowledge to recognise these problems you could find an excellent mount. You will need to be a good rider with sufficient time for an athletic and sensitive horse. Remember that a cheap off-the-track racehorse could be expensive in the long run and unsuitable for your needs. Always have the horse vetted, and look for a thoroughbred with a sensible, bold approach to life.

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