Advantages of feeding micronised linseed:
- The linseed oil provides calories without making your horse difficult to handle
- If fed sufficiently it helps keeping weight on hard-working horses
- It is low in starch and sugar but high in protein and is useful for horses prone to laminitis, EMS and PPID
- Horses fed micronised linseed have good blooms to their coats
- Micronised linseed is easily digested due to its gell-forming nature which helps with gut movements
- Horses that look tatty when moulting in the spring and Autumn look better when fed micronised linseed
- Horses really like linseed and it encourages a fussy eater
- Micronised linseed is high in omega 3. This is an anti-oxidant and helps reduce pain.
- Micronised linseed is also high in omega 6 and this is beneficial to the immune system and helps arthritic conditions and gastric ulcers.
Even small amounts fed daily can be beneficial to the horse
For years my horses have been fed a handful of micronised linseed in their morning feeds. If your horse is hardy and needs but little hard feed. I would reduce the feed and then add a small handful of micronised linseed. Look at the three horse pictured below to see the results of feeding micronised linseed.
Three of my horses fed micronised linseed daily

Sabrina has 4 scoops of quiet mix and a handful of linseed for her morning feeds.
She always carries a good bloom to her coat and looks very well in the eye.

Fergie is far hardier. She has half a scoop of quiet mix and a small handful of linseed for her breakfast.
She also always carries a good bloom to her coat and looks very well in the eye.

Rosie had two scoops of quiet mix and a handful of micronised linseed for her morning feed.
Again she had a good bloom to her coat and a clear bright eye.
Your horse should look well and be an advertisement of your horse management skills. Why not feed micronised linseed and add the wow factor. Your horse is there for you so be there for him.
Always buy micronised linseed in 20Kg bags. This will be considerably cheaper than buying in smaller quantities.

Article Suggestion
The Pros and Cons of Feeding Straw to Horses