Fly wisps can be expensive but you can effectively make your own for next to nothing.
What will I need?
- A pair of scissors
- Insulating tape
- A 2-meter length of cord.
To personalise your fly wisp use some of your horse’s tail hair. Don’t worry as the amount you take will not be noticed by your horse or seen by other people.
Making your Personalise Fly Wisp
Most people keep their horse’s tails long and thick but even thoroughbred tail hair can be used. Follow these steps to make your fly wisp.

Step 1
From the underside of your horse’s tail and by the dock cut a length of hair. The hair will not be a uniform length but this is not a problem.
This is the tail hair removed from my 7/8ths thoroughbred horse.

Step 2
Tightly bind the hair with insulating tape starting about 4cm from the cut end. Overlap as you go and slightly stretch the tape as you work down the tail length. Work down to the distance needed to make your handle.
In this picture about 12 cm of tail hair has been tightly bound with white insulating tape.
Step 3
You are now ready to bind the outer layer of the fly wisp handle with a cord. Follow the diagrams and instructions given here.

Step 3a
Lay the 2-meter cord along with the wisp as shown in this diagram.

Step 3b
Put the long end over the short end and then under the wisp so you can tightly wrap the handle.

Step 3c
Now come back across the top of the wisp so you are beginning to tightly wrap the cord around the handle and the loop of the cord.

Step 3d
Continue winding the cord around the handle and loop. Do this as tightly as is possible until you reach the end of the handle.

Step 3e

Step 3f
Now go to the other end, where the wisp part will be, and carefully pull the loose end of the cord until the other end disappears well into the handle.

Final Result
Cut the remaining cord length flush with the end of the handle.
If you follow these instructions and bind tightly you will have a fly wisp that will be serviceable for years to come. It will be cheap and easily carried in a pocket and of course, made from your own horse’s hair. What else would you want?
Interested in more sustainable horse practices? Check out this article on recycling saddle soap.

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